How To Make Money From Whiteboard Animation Videos

Do you know you can make money online selling whiteboard videos? well, if you know how to create stunning whiteboard Animated videos, you can start making lots of money doing what you love already. Also if you are interested to learn how to create WhiteBoard Animated Videos, you whiteboard animation easily and earn moneycan read my recent post from the link given above.
Videos play a very important part in the promotion of many products and they can even double the conversion rate. This is especially true for whiteboard videos and that’s exactly why it is relatively easy to make money from whiteboard videos, because there is a large demand for such videos.
There are hundreds of ways to promote those videos but let’s have a look to the 5 most easy ways to make money from whiteboard videos:

Sell whiteboard videos on Fiverr.

Fiverr has grown a lot and continues to grow even more. In case you don’t know Fiverr is a place where people are selling and buying services for $5. The amount might sound small, but after the first sales the users can offer extra services and charge even more, and that’s when the profit really starts to add up.
It is free and very easy to sign up on Fiverr. Once you sign up you need to create your first service (gig). Select create a new gig and start with the title.  You should make the title of your gig simple, catchy and engaging. For example you could write “I will create a high quality animated whiteboard video to advertise your product”.  After you finish with the title, you should add some more details in the description area. For example you could write how many minutes the video will be, how much time it will take you to make the video etc.

Increase your conversion rate

If you are into affiliate marketing you can use whiteboard videos to the main page of your site to reduce the bounce rate of your page and increase the conversion rate of the products that you are promoting. In some cases a simple whiteboard video was able to even double the conversion.

Become a freelancer

There are a number of site where you can sell services as a freelancer, Elance is one of the most popular among them. This site is very reliable and it is quite similar to fiverr. The main difference is the price and the quality level of the services that are offered. Higher prices mean higher quality of service.  Elance is also free and very easy to join. Once you join, you should spend some time to edit your profile and provide some information regarding yourself. Unlike fiverr on Elance this step is necessary because if you try to sell your services with an empty profile, you will find out that it is almost impossible. People pay more money at this site but they also have higher standards, so they choose very carefully from whom they buy services.

Build your own site and sell them directly

how to make money promoting affiliate productsYou could create your own site or even blog and directly sell those videos to the potential customers. This way you can determine your own rate and you get to keep all the money in your pocket as there is no one between you and the customers. On the other hand this could take some more time because you will need to slowly build and rank your site to start getting some traffic. If however you have become very familiar with making whiteboard videos, you could up the prices and use part of what you make to speed up the process of acquiring traffic by using Google ad words or another similar advertising network. Once you have visitors coming to your site it will not take too much effort to convince them to buy whiteboard videos from you, all it takes is to use one of your whiteboard videos on the front page!
You can see how I create whiteboard animated video in less than a few minutes and how you too can do the same with a very easy to use video software- Create Animated Video Here. there are lot of ways to earn with your videos ans i will keep updating this post.
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